> Out of interest - when you select a video by pressing enter does it automatically play the subsequent videos?? Yes, the subsequent videos are played automatically, as long as...
> Yes, the subsequent videos are played automatically Ah, you mean without the fix? I just tried to play it without the fix, it actually doesn't automatically play the next...
With the fix the next video plays automatically, as it should
Starting playback via context menu works correctly with and without the fix, the next video plays automatically in both cases
If automatic is enabled "Play from here" is replaced with "Play only this"
I just noticed that the issue is triggered only when "Play next video automatically" is enabled. I can reproduce it on Windows too
> It's very strange to me that the changes remove HDR10 metadata passthrough altogether. The changes only remove unneeded checks and the leftover code that was used only for those...
> I know it is a stretch but could this have anything to do with my issue All I can say is that with this PR VP9 HDR videos that...
> @smp79 you think this will ever get merged? No idea. IMO this is a proper fix. We should not disable HDR passthrough if the video does not have MaxFALL/MaxCLL...