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Tweaking the number of modules
I was wondering if there is a "good" / "correct" way for tweaking the number of discovered modules? I.e. I'm running a dataset of 300k cells, but I only end up with 5 modules, of which 3 are found in an individual cell type. The majority of cells (> 80%) share a single module.
I suspect a lot of the transcriptonal heterogeity is still "hidden", hence is there a parameter to tweak to allow for more modules? (instead of subsetting to the 80% or so with a single module and re-running?).
If you can paste your code here then I may be able to provide some advice for what you could change.
Sure. It's quite long, so if there is anything specific you want to see let me know. Also happy to provide plots.
## Input is a seurat object created from an SCE class object.
## Create seurat object
sce.to.seurat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = count_mat.raw, assay = "RNA") # create seurat object
## Assign normalized counts
sce.to.seurat[["RNA"]]@data <- count_mat
## Pass variable genes
VariableFeatures(sce.to.seurat) <- hvgenes
## Pass dimred
sce.to.seurat[["PCA"]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = as.matrix(reducedDim(sce.x, "PCA")),
key = "PCA", assay = "RNA")
## Pass metadata
[email protected]$Treatment <- sce.x$Treatment
[email protected]$patientID <- sce.x$patientID
[email protected]$Batch <- sce.x$Batch
[email protected]$celltype <- sce.x$celltype
## Pass grouping for hdWGCNA
[email protected]$groupingVar <- paste( [email protected]$patientID, [email protected]$Treatment, [email protected]$celltype, sep = "_")
message("Setting up the hdwgcna object")
sce.to.seurat <- SetupForWGCNA(sce.to.seurat, gene_select = "variable", # the gene selection approach
wgcna_name = "hdwgcna")
## Create meta cells
opt$metaover <- 10
opt$k <- 25
opt$nmetacells <- 1000
sce.to.seurat <- MetacellsByGroups(seurat_obj = sce.to.seurat, group.by = "groupingVar", # by patientID, celltype, treatment
reduction = "PCA", # select the dimensionality reduction to perform KNN on
k = opt$k, # nearest-neighbors parameter
max_shared = opt$metaover, # maximum number of shared cells between two metacells
ident.group = "groupingVar", # set the Idents of the metacell seurat object
wgcna_name = "hdwgcna", mode = "average", min_cells = 100,
slot = "counts", verbose = FALSE, target_metacells = opt$nmetacells,
max_iter = 5000
sce.to.seurat <- NormalizeMetacells(sce.to.seurat)
sce.to.seurat <- SetDatExpr(seurat_obj = sce.to.seurat,
group_name = sce.to.seurat@misc[["hdwgcna"]]$wgcna_params$metacell_stats$groupingVar,
group.by = "groupingVar",
assay = "RNA", # using RNA assay
slot = "data", # using normalized data
use_metacells = TRUE,
wgcna_name = "hdwgcna"
# For datasets > 100'000 cells I have another step to subset the metacells before TestSoftPowers to reduce the computational burden - not shown here.
## Test different soft powers
message("Testing for soft powers")
sce.to.seurat <- TestSoftPowers(sce.to.seurat, networkType = "signed", # you can also use "unsigned" or "signed hybrid"
powers = c(seq(1, 10, by = 1), seq(12, 30, by = 2)
## Part 2 - After looking at results of softpower analysis
soft.pw <- 10 # determined after looking at the plots above
sce.to.seurat <- ConstructNetwork(sce.to.seurat, soft_power = soft.pw, setDatExpr = FALSE, overwrite_tom = TRUE,
tom_outdir = "hdwgcna/TOM", tom_name = tom.name, wgcna_name = "hdwgcna")
## compute all MEs in the full single-cell dataset
opt$harmonize <- FALSE
sce.to.seurat <- ModuleEigengenes(sce.to.seurat, verbose = TRUE, harmonized = opt$harmonize)
## compute eigengene-based connectivity (kME)
message("Computing kMEs")
sce.to.seurat <- ModuleConnectivity(sce.to.seurat, group.by = "groupingVar",
group_name = unique([email protected]$groupingVar),
sparse = TRUE, harmonized = opt$harmonize)
## More code to assign output back to the original SCE