Hello, here's more for setup (all are text fields). Two issues, first the fields do not contain the default values and second, I cannot type in the fields (the first...
It looks like react-hook-form-input is mostly concerned with eliminating the need to register default values via useEffect. I believe I am using the latest version. If it's working for you,...
But first, can you expound on > Params you passed in props value are store in the component state? Because if you don't update it, form component set every time...
This appears to only affect the "InputText" component.
I figured it out, maybe. In InputText.js , you have, ``` .... ``` I did this instead and it appears to have resolved the problem, ``` .... ```
I tried that also. Note, I am using functional components and hooks. I still don't understand why you set the "value" field and not the defaultValue field on the TextInput.
I get this error anytime I debug via react-native-debugger. The code works when debugging via chrome. My iOS (9.3 via Xcode 7.3) simulator freezes. Assertion failed: (dispatch_get_specific((__bridge void *)self) ==...
So for the mispost
Regarding Tracker and ReactiveDict, good. Since the start of Mantra, I've been waiting for something to use via react-native. Apollo and Redux provides the missing pieces. Thanks for the quick...