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Results 110 developer issues
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I think the repo seems to be making too many API calls to OpenAI in successive fashion. Any plans to to rate limit this?: openai.error.RateLimitError: The server is currently overloaded...

I tried the instructions without Modal: ``` python "A basic React app that just displays a page that says 'Hello, World!'" ``` Result: ``` Traceback (most recent call last):...

Ther should be a Dark Mode Toggle button in the navbar in Header Section of this Webpage

this is an easy one - - Self-planning Code Generation with Large Language Model [idea]( -

While following the workflow shown in the YouTube video, I run into this error. I had run a prompt and gotten an error. I tried running debugger on the traceback...

Nice project. I saw a note here: You can get the total tokens for a request, then subtract it from the max tokens the model allows. Here's the cookbook...

Given this prompt: ```An example web page using React and HTML. It should have a text box for the user to enter some text with a button to submit it,...