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So, unless you have Modal, it's useless.

Open redfort1987 opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

The Python command doesn't work. It asks for an open AI API key, which I already put into the .env file.

redfort1987 avatar May 25 '23 16:05 redfort1987

If you really want to skip this error, just paste the OpenAI key directly into the 'openai.api_key' variable. NOTE: Be careful, if your copy is public.

QVault avatar May 25 '23 17:05 QVault

I also had an error, the env call is not working. I switched to following:

from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv()

openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")

which worked fine for me.

mxn2020 avatar May 25 '23 17:05 mxn2020

I just did an export (export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-blablahblah ) of the key and it worked.

ShaneGCareCru avatar May 28 '23 16:05 ShaneGCareCru

yup i think this is the correct take!

swyxio avatar May 30 '23 01:05 swyxio