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Getting internet connection with Pebble
Many Pebble apps needs some internet connection (even without companion apps) to get things like latest scores, weather updates. Even when the phone is connected to the Internet, the Pebble can't get access to it.
I've also noticed that the weather doesn't update on my Pebble Steel.
This should be supported, if the app is an JSKit App, can you tell us the name of the app?
For me the problem is with Futura Plus: Revamped, it's downloaded from the Pebble Appstore. I can try another random Watch Face with a weather and see if it's a problem with the Watch Face or the Pebble App.
All apps that needs internet, can't get access to the internet. Here is a couple of them:
- Football Pal
- EuroFootball
- Buienalarm
- Qibla - Prayer Times & Compass
- Next Train
- PinyWings
2015-09-03 11:24 GMT+02:00, Hannu Aaltonen [email protected]:
For me the problem is with Futura Plus: Revamped, it's downloaded from the Pebble Appstore. I can try another random Watch Face with a weather and see if it's a problem with the Watch Face or the Pebble App.
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Tested yesterday and the weather updated normally, don't know why it had a glitch earlier.
Doesn't work today for me. If anybody have worked apps, please tell me version of your Pebble OS.
Internet on Pebble is very important :(
I've had a little look at this, and it looks like the URLs are being passed to JSKit and loaded, but the JSKitXMLHttpRequest isn't passing the result back to the watch. If there's an onload function defined for the request, then that is invoked fine - I think this is why some apps seem to work. It's emitting various signals, but I don't know enough about Qt to say where they should be going, or what should be getting the message back to the watch, but nothing happens.
@javispedro, can you remember what's supposed to happen here?
Edit: I've had a bit more of a look at this, and it looks like onload was implemented, but onreadystatechange wasn't, which lots of JSKit apps use to read their XML request responses. There's a signal there, but nothing connected to it. I just copied the onload stuff and it seems to work, at least with PinyWings which now gives me a nice end of demo message instead of the previous error. Seeing as there are five unimplemented callbacks, it should probably be refactored to support them all in one shot.
Thanks! I believe you are completely right.
hello! i am a complete noob at any sort of coding. is there a dumbed down version of this that i could use?