hop.nvim copied to clipboard
Support repeating jumps
I've only given the codebase a cursory look so I'm not sure how feasible this is but I've been missing the ;
(or n
) functionality of EasyMotion with its easymotion-next
and easymotion-prev
commands. If the upstream repo shows signs of life I'll transfer this issue there but until then I'll leave it here. If it's doable and within my abilities to implement this then I'll try to get a PR going for this if I find the time.
There already is a related and apparently highly desired request upstream: https://github.com/phaazon/hop.nvim/issues/58
Tho it depends on the fork to implement it as it seems as well.
an adapted version of https://github.com/phaazon/hop.nvim/issues/58#issuecomment-1339989116 for smoka7/hop
-- https://gist.github.com/kylechui/a5c1258cd2d86755f97b10fc921315c3
-- https://www.vikasraj.dev/blog/vim-dot-repeat
-- https://github.com/phaazon/hop.nvim/issues/58
-- https://github.com/smoka7/hop.nvim/issues/39
-- https://github.com/FelipeLema
local hop = require("hop")
local builtin_targets = require("hop.jump_target")
local builtin_targets2 = require("hop.jump_regex")
_G._repeated_hop_state = {
last_chars = nil,
count = 0,
_G._repeatable_hop = function ()
for i=1,_G._repeated_hop_state.count do
_G._repeated_hop_state.last_chars, true,hop.opts )),
vim.keymap.set("n", [[f]],
local char
while true do
vim.api.nvim_echo({ { "hop 1 char:", "Search" } }, false, {})
local code = vim.fn.getchar()
-- fixme: custom char range by needs
if code >= 61 and code <= 0x7a then
-- [a-z]
char = string.char(code)
elseif code == 0x20 or code == 0x1b then
-- press space, esc to cancel
char = nil
if not char then return end
-- setup the state to pickup in _G._repeatable_hop
_G._repeated_hop_state = {
last_chars = char,
count = (vim.v.count or 0) + 1
vim.go.operatorfunc = "v:lua._repeatable_hop"
-- return this↓ to run that↑
return "g@l" -- see expr=true
end , { noremap = true,
-- ↓ see "g@l"
expr = true})
Is there a simple hack if all we wanted was ;
and ,
(and not n
and N
) just to go through all the possible matches of single-char searches on the current line?