ast_tools copied to clipboard
Why is it formatted and not fixed?
Here's a test example. He seems to be using an offset, no encryption algorithm, how to restore?
const a188_0x5ae2 = ['arsgsStr', 'tran2sfer', 'budy', 'getUrlExclusions', 'token', 'now', 'create', 'fuse', 'method', 'name', 'validate', '../tts', 't', 'existsSyncs', 'catch';
const a188_0x53e4 = function (_0x42e7cc, _0x246636) { _0x42e7cc = _0x42e7cc - 0x159; let _0x5ae246 = a188_0x5ae2[_0x42e7cc]; return _0x5ae246; };
const a188_0x1d6265 = a188_0x53e4;
(function (_0x13cb2f, _0x423f93) { const _0x11535d = a188_0x53e4;
while (!![]) { try { const _0xde1027 = -parseInt(_0x11535d(0x18b)) * parseInt(_0x11535d(0x245)) + parseInt(_0x11535d(0x1f7)) * -parseInt(_0x11535d(0x241)) + -parseInt(_0x11535d(0x239)) * -parseInt(_0x11535d(0x1f1)) + -parseInt(_0x11535d(0x166)) + parseInt(_0x11535d(0x1bd)) * -parseInt(_0x11535d(0x1f0)) + -parseInt(_0x11535d(0x1bb)) + parseInt(_0x11535d(0x1df)) * parseInt(_0x11535d(0x1cd));
if (_0xde1027 === _0x423f93) {
} else _0x13cb2f['push'](_0x13cb2f['shift']());
} catch (_0x5e6321) {
} })(a188_0x5ae2, 0x67e85);
Has the project been stopped?