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Blazor (Client Side) on SharePoint

Blazor for SharePoint

BlazorPoint is Blazor(Client Side) on SharePoint

This is a sample project to help you get started with hosting blazor on SharePoint Pages, Completely Client Side. This Project is an experimental project, still missng authorizations and other cool stuff which will be added later on.

This Project Contains Components such as:

  • Insert data into lists using forms
  • uploading attachments to list item
  • people picker
  • lookup lists
  • tables to list items with search
  • repeat section to add data to another list

and lots more will be added as soon as published.

Steps to set up and running, you will need []

Step 1:

Create your project using this below command

dotnet new blazorwasm -o [YourProjectName] cd [YourProjectName]/wwwroot

Now, rename your index.html file to any file name with .aspx

Example: index.html to default.aspx

Step 2:

Determine your site collection root path.

for example if you are using . sharepoint site collection with root name http://[your_site].com/ . or "http:/[your_site].com/sites/example"

either way edit your default.aspx file to reflect the base meta tag


for root path <base href="/default.aspx" />

for sites/example path <base href="/sites/example/default.aspx" />

if you are hosting in Pages Library <base href="/sites/example/Pages/default.aspx" />

Step 3:

Allow .json in Central admin then

Manage WebApp -> Block Types -> Remove json-> save

Modify your Web Applications Web.Config and add or replace this line if it already exists.

<add name="JSONHandlerFactory" allowPathInfo="true" path="/*.json" verb="*" type="System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" resourceType="Unspecified" preCondition="integratedMode" />

if you want to allow .json file only on pages library

change path attribute to path="/Pages/*.json"

Step 4:

Making your default.aspx as welcome page.

Navigate to Site Settings -> Welcome Page in your site collection, if you don't see this option enable site collection feature SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure

Then enable SharePoint Server Publishing in site feature


Demo Project: Datacenter Visitor Log.

  1. Import List Template in ListTemplate Folder
  2. Change List Guid & List Type in Contants/Settings.cs File
  3. Create SharePoint Groups Named As (Admins,DC-OP-Jeddah,DC-OP-Dammam,DC-OP-Riyadh)

