Spencer Smith
Spencer Smith
@cd155 we have the assumption that the tank is only charging, not discharging (Charging-Tank-No-Temp-Discharge). This means that we have the case where the temperature will be rising until the temperature...
@JacquesCarette, I like your list of how you use the different parts of Haskell (data constructors, class methods, etc.). Is this advice we should capture somewhere for future Drasil collaborators?
@balacij, do you know a spot in our wiki that would be good for capturing the above high level advice from @JacquesCarette? If there isn't a current spot for it,...
Yes @balacij the Types and Typeclasses page sounds like a good home. Maybe a new heading for "Guidelines for Adding New Types and Typeclasses"? @balacij would you mind putting the...
Looks good! Thanks @balacij.
Great idea @balacij.
Great issue! Thank you @Ant13731. Out of curiosity, I started playing with Obsidian and created a portion of the [SRS for NoPCM](https://github.com/smiths/caseStudies/tree/master/CaseStudies/noPCM/docs/SRS/RefineTheories). I've started with creating separate files for some...
I agree with @JacquesCarette.
That sounds good to me, but @JacquesCarette will see the whole picture better than me. If this issue is expanded, please create another issue, rather than piggyback on this one.
The definitions are currently subsections? I agree that having a list of definitions would be better. Numbering them isn't necessary, but sorting them alphabetically would be great.