Spencer Smith
Spencer Smith
The first equation you give is the closed-form (or analytical) solution to the ODE. The second one is the ODE. (See https://www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/Demos/Pendulum/Pendulum.html) The SRS is written with the closed-from solution....
Yes, Drasil is ready for analytical solutions. GlassBR is full of equations of this sort. The difference would be if you wanted to return a sequence of theta values. If...
Thank you @cd155. I'll aim to get to this issue next week.
1. I prefer theta to be in radians, so the solution of changing the SRS to use radians is fine with me. 2. Don't other instance models show multiple equations?...
Thank you for searching through the examples @cd155. If it is too difficult to display, let's just go with a separate IM for each ODE. We shouldn't let display issues...
Discussed during https://github.com/JacquesCarette/Drasil/issues/2971
@cd155, please reopen if you have additional questions.
@cd155, as we discussed, you should have a look at the ODE solver libraries that we use in our examples to see what output options they offer. In particular, do...
Thank you @balacij for posting the link. I noticed recently that the original LearnYouAHaskell website was gone. I often recommend this resource, so I was disappointed to not be able...
To save @peter-michalski some time, I'm not 100% sure that Brooks's thesis is on the Drasil site. There should be a link to it somewhere, but the actual thesis is...