Spencer Smith
Spencer Smith
Thank you for the clarification @cd155. Yes, the original higher ODE and the derived system of first order ODEs are represented differently. For the SRS level (the "user" level), the...
@cd155 can you point me to the symbols that are introduced in the SRS by the "mapping chunk"? I'd like to see how much they seem out of place, if...
Thank you for the information @cd155. The impact to the SRS is small, but it is still strange to introduce a symbol (theta) and never use it. We should talk...
@cd155, as we discussed during Friday's meeting: - please move the above contents (with editing) to the tex document for your report. It will be easier to track your changes...
Yes, I agree that this is worth looking at. I think the problem is that people use Jupyter notebooks for bigger problems that they are really suited to. The [projectile...
Thank you for the comments @cd155. Well said. We also discussed adding a link to this issue to the contributor's guidelines, so that future contributors watch for this kind of...
We don't currently generate test cases for our case studies. This would be a good thing to add in the future.
@JacquesCarette I didn't realize that we couldn't build an example without an SRS. I agree completely that we want to aim for something more modular. @tingyuw will not be building...
@cd155 the original double pendulum example is here: https://github.com/Zhang-Zhi-ZZ/CAS741Project/blob/master/Double%20Pendulum/docs/SRS/SRS.pdf A student did it as part of my CAS 741 course. I had a look just now and noticed that the...
@cd155, it is fine to add the time step for the ODE solver. @JacquesCarette is correct that the "true" output is a function of time, but for practical reasons, the...