Spencer Smith
Spencer Smith
@samm82, p(t) comes from [IM:transMot](https://jacquescarette.github.io/Drasil/examples/gamephysics/SRS/srs/GamePhysics_SRS.html#IM:transMot). We solve the ODE given in the Equation for position. The position is there because acceleration is defined in terms of position. The equation can...
Right phi(t) comes from alpha(t). Yes, what you describe is a suitable fix for right now. It is a step in the right direction for Game Physics.
Good discussion @balacij and @samm82. However, I don't think being a library means that there are no outputs. The library provides services that do calculations and output results. The output...
For traceability purposes the comments from @JacquesCarette on outputs can be found [here](https://github.com/JacquesCarette/Drasil/issues/3259#issuecomment-1673738596).
I'm not sure I understand your point @ManvendraJani. The units for p and p(t) are the same. The units for v and v(t) are the same. The analysis of units...
Yes, we can represent them with the same units. The units for a vector are the units for each component of the vector. (This is a convention that we could...
@ManvendraJani can you tell me the concept that we attach to v and the concept that we attach to v(t). I'm not convinced that whatever distinction is being made isn't...
@ManvendraJani I've looked at Projectile more closely and there are some inconsistencies in the spec. For instance, speed is a poor name for the magnitude of the velocity vector because...
I think part of the way out of our confusion is to attach type information to every symbol. We also want to avoid sloppy conventions that engineers and scientists (including...