Spencer Smith
Spencer Smith
Yes, that sounds great @balacij. Please go ahead and add those notes at the bottom of the README and then close this issue.
I wonder if we should close this issue in favour of creating a new issue related to automatically handling systems of higher-order ODEs?
Yes, I agree with @JacquesCarette. In the SRS for noPCM we can consider the IM as refined to the point where we can generate code. The code will involve solving...
@balacij I consider abstract and concrete as relative concepts. I think part of the benefit of Drasil is that we don't have to decide "for all time" whether something is...
An event is when the ODE changes. A classic example is a bouncing ball. You drop the ball from a given height. The event occurs when the ball hits the...
We can use this issue for the review of double pendulum mentioned in the last comment for #2275. I don't have time right now, but some quick observations: - w...
Thank you for the analysis @peter-michalski. I think you should go ahead and fix the `too many leading '#' for block comment` problem. It looks like an easy fix, and...
Good question @JacquesCarette about `pyDocCommentStart = pyCommentStart pyCommentStart`. Now that you mention it, I believe this is needed for doxygen. The double number sign (##) at the beginning of a...
@harmanpreet-sagar this issue was started, but not finished. Could you please take a crack at it? It would be nice to be able to "brag" that we can generate PEP8...
For E266 we can remove it by adding a `.flake8` file to each project. This [flake8 config file](https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/configuration.html) can tell flake8 to ignore warnings we wish to eliminate.