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headless chrome + selenium webdriver in AWS Lambda using the serverless application model

Results 12 lambdium issues
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SAM doesn't support one-click deployment of this code because the template references jsnode6. So I uploaded the zip to a new function: 1. uploaded src file 2. I ran

Bumps [lodash]( from 4.17.11 to 4.17.21. Commits f299b52 Bump to v4.17.21 c4847eb Improve performance of toNumber, trim and trimEnd on large input strings 3469357 Prevent command injection through _.template's variable...


Error from doing one click deploy from the AWS Serverless Application Repository fails and rolls back cloudformation stack. `The runtime parameter of nodejs6.10 is no longer supported for creating or...

I gave the below as event.json in lambda { "Base64Script": "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" } and I am getting Cannot read property 'Content-Type' of undefined error message. The api-handler.js is trying to get...

Thank you for the awesome project. I tried to run your code. I am working on Requirements and setup for local development part. before that, I have a question. I...

When I try to use the API Gateway endpoint as the seleniumAddress in protractor I get an error: "E/launcher - Unable to parse new session response". Is there any way...

Currently in chromium.js the flag --window-size=1280x1696 is hardcoded. It would be nice to be able to pass in configuration like this with the Lambda event along with the Selenium code...

Is there any way how to graceful exit script when selenium throw some error? e.g `$browser.findElement($driver.By.css("input[type='email']"))` when there is no such element I would like to propagate this error outside...

The chromium instance uses /tmp to store a bunch of stuff... then doesn't clean up after itself. After enough time, this will exhaust the storage limits of AWS Lambda's `/tmp`...

Trying to deploy the template and I get keep getting timeout of 61000ms exceeded (Sydney is my default region):