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Code boundary management for TypeScript projects

Results 25 good-fences issues
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Hey, We're using good-fences and we'd love to get feedback about it early during our dev builds. It would be useful to have an eslint/webpack plugin to run good-fences -...

For example: Disallow importing react ```json { "dependencies": [ "!react" ] } ```

When nodegit fails to install (e.g. on node 16+ on a system without the dependencies for libgit2), requiring good-fences at all fails with this require stack: ``` requireStack: [ 'node_modules/nodegit/dist/nodegit.js',...

### Description Currently, `tags` are universally applicable to all files in the tree of the **fence.json** file. This works well for smaller projects or for repositories that make use of...

I've configured my `fences.json` on my project and tried to add a unused dependency to see if it would warn. I've added `axios` and, despite it not beign used in...

given a package structure like this ``` package ├── lib │ └── fence.json │ └── test │ └── fence.json │ └── ...tests ``` It appears like there's not a way...

This [makes the shebang useless]( on any system but bash-on-windows, or explicit invocation via node. ![image](

Currently if you have a rule like: ```json "dependencies": [ "core-js" ] ``` ...we only allow imports of `corejs` specifically, not something like `corejs/lib/whatever`. It can be confusing to get...

Adding an optional flag `--fixImportsAndDependencies` to allow good-fences to fix errors for you instead of just printing out what those errors are. This only fixes import and dependency errors- we...

I'm attempting to add good-fences to a project in a monorepo using Rush. When I import a file from another project in the repo, I get import errors for those...