
Results 289 comments of smichel17

> disable auto-upload Unfortunately, you will often miss quests if you do that -- see #1550 and #1510

As I understand it, multi-download: - Does solve the issue of certain quests not being *fetched* until you've solved enough quests in the vicinity to prompt another scan for quests....

So far, **most of the use cases I see so far full under the category of correcting incorrect information,** particularly information that *could be entered with SC if it were...

It seems like the main value of noting there are many different quests with the same issue, is that it might make sense to add a standard UI element (eg,...

> It might also be a good idea to have a nearby UI component for sending feedback that a quest is unclear. I suppose we already have a method for...

Refining, I suggest: - Rename the "More options" menu to "Can't say", always with the same 3 options: - Hide this quest ⇒ does the same thing as current...

It seems like a good first step would be to start compiling the relevant information/links into an FAQ style page, organized by quest. It can be split up into multiple...

I have a reliable repro for a similar bug in an Android 10 (api 29) emulator. ![image]( Steps: - Stock Android emulator settings, clean install (no system dark theme) -...

> Each pump has the same options, so you only have to walk up to one of the pumps. Just to nitpick, I've seen some stations where there is a...

I would like to see all available quests even if I still have to answer them one at a time. The use case is: Recently I was going somewhere in...