Illia Achour

Results 40 comments of Illia Achour

@ELIX1337, thank you for your report. Compose version will probably need reworking this UI component from scratch, but this initiative is valuable. I'll look into creating a new Compose library...

Oh, getPlayerView() is returning nested Container, got the point! Thank you.

@eneim that works like a charm, thank you so much. During whole the development & testing process on last couple of days 4 crashes were spawned (I assume that's similar...

@eneim unfortunately that's not reproducing stably and spawns on random coincidences while high main thread load cases with intensive Container populating/recycling. Will try to do my best on acquiring any...

@Davidvete so that's it, I'm not happy with that approach and wondering if that's possible to solve it with _PlayerSelector_ or something :D

@eneim sorry for such long response pause, there was no chance to check it out, will give a feedback ASAP. Thank you so much for all the participation!

Just tried to implement ObservableScrollingView inheritor for BaseBehavior and it is working fine as far as I can see. Will be able to make a PR after some polish if...

Getting something similar on Nexus 5X Android 8.1.0: ``` Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'long db6.y' on a null object reference at at at

@Tapac yes! So, at the end of the day, to have the ability to write something like that: ``` .orderBy( mod seed to SortOrder.ASC, to SortOrder.ASC ) ```

@AlexeySoshin it seems like `ModOp` is expecting `` expressions, but `EntityID` does not satisfy it