Svenja Mehringer
Svenja Mehringer
Hi @notestaff, interesting use case. No, currently this is not possible because a header is always written. There might be even more issues but this one I am sure of....
Hi @nhhaidee, thanks for reaching out! This is indeed a common use case that is not well handled by our library. The solution is a bit unintuitive: You can adapt...
Hi @aserres and @Anzy-99, I'm very sorry to get back to you so late but I was on maternity leave this year until a few weeks ago. Let's trouble shoot....
Hi :) So you want to give it a long read BAM file and an VCF file and have sviper output a multi FASTA file containing all the consensus sequences...
@tungufoss Alright :) Last question: Do you want a flanking reference region around the consensus (analogous to the polished consensus I use)? The consensus sequence will be around 800 bp...
Please checkout the current develop branch to test the new feature and tell me if it works. Happy Holidays :)
Hi @shuliliu, thanks for your interest in SViper! So at a first glance this looks like a memory issue as you already mentioned. Multi-threading increases the memory consumption but I...
Hi Shuli, thanks for looking into it deeper. Yes your memory is sufficient big time, it looks like a bug. To 1. I'm pretty sure that I handled X/= euqallly...
HI @prasundutta87, thanks for your interest in SViper! I try to maintain SViper but often I have troubles finding the time. > 1. When I was testing the software with...
> Is there a document anywhere where the algorithm or working on SViper is mentioned anywhere. I've send you an email with my thesis that hopefully can answer most of...