Sean Megason
Sean Megason
Ever considered doing a version with spiral symmetry? Like Escher's pictures with the fish swimming into and out of the logarithmic spiral.
that would make it automatically load and wouldn't require user to change preferences
We currently have an app ( that runs outside of Goo to make a script. Minimally this could be run inside of Blender. There may also be ways to make...
Goal is to start with in toto image set, segment cells at one time point to make a label image stack, and convert the 3d image into a set of...
Goal is to create an accurate representation of all the cell divisions and movements during zebrafish development. A "kinetic model" is a reverse, computer recreation of development based on segmentation...
Idea for driving biological problem- make sheet of cells that are connected at apical junctions and basement membrane.
Idea for driving biological problem 2 cell types with different adhesive affinities for each other. The cells start off mixed. How do they sort into groups of the same cell...
Idea for driving biological problem Simulate a field of cells undergoing convergent extension by having differential tension on cell membranes of different orientations (planar cell polarity)
Have yolk and first cell of zebrafish. Simulate cell dividing along long axis for first 12 divisions.
Watch this video Roughly: -add basis shape key and second shape key -tab into edit mode -select vertex edge loop (shift option click) -scale edge loop (s) -tab back...