cloudex copied to clipboard
An elixir library which helps with uploading image files or urls to cloudinary
Cloudex is an Elixir library that can upload image files or urls to Cloudinary. There is also a CLI tool available.
Getting started
defp deps do
[ {:cloudex, "~> 1.3.0"}, ]
If you are using elixir 1.4, you can skip this step. The Cloudex app must be started. This can be done by adding :cloudex to the applications list in your mix.exs file. An example:
def application do
[applications: [:logger, :cloudex],
Cloudex requires the API credentials of your Cloudinary account.
You can define either as ENV settings using the keys :
or in your config.exs using :
config :cloudex,
api_key: "my-api-key",
secret: "my-secret",
cloud_name: "my-cloud-name"
Jason is the default json library in Cloudex. You can configure Cloudex to use another library. For example:
config :cloudex, :json_library, YourLibraryOfChoice
You can upload image files or urls pointing to an image as follows :
For uploading a url :
iex> Cloudex.upload("")
{:ok, %Cloudex.UploadedImage{...}}
For uploading a file :
iex> Cloudex.upload("test/assets/test.jpg")
{:ok, %Cloudex.UploadedImage{...}}
You can also upload a list of files, urls, or mix by giving upload a list like :
iex> Cloudex.upload(["/non/existing/file.jpg", ""])
[{:error, "File /non/existing/file.jpg does not exist."}, {:ok, %Cloudex.UploadedImage{...}}]
An example of the %Cloudex.UploadedImage{} Struct looks as follows:
bytes: 22659,
created_at: "2015-11-27T10:02:23Z",
etag: "dbb5764565c1b77ff049d20fcfd1d41d",
format: "jpg",
height: 167,
original_filename: "test",
public_id: "i2nruesgu4om3w9mtk1z",
resource_type: "image",
secure_url: "",
signature: "77b447746476c82bb4921fdea62a9227c584974b",
source: "",
tags: [],
type: "upload",
url: "",
version: 1448618543,
width: 250
You can tag uploaded images with strings:
# as array
Cloudex.upload("test/assets/test.jpg", %{tags: ["foo", "bar"]})
# as comma-separated string
Cloudex.upload("test/assets/test.jpg", %{tags: "foo,bar"})
# result
{:ok, %Cloudex.UploadedImage{
bytes: 22659,
created_at: "2015-11-27T10:02:23Z",
etag: "dbb5764565c1b77ff049d20fcfd1d41d",
format: "jpg",
height: 167,
original_filename: "test",
public_id: "i2nruesgu4om3w9mtk1z",
resource_type: "image",
secure_url: "",
signature: "77b447746476c82bb4921fdea62a9227c584974b",
source: "",
tags: ["foo", "bar"],
type: "upload",
url: "",
version: 1448618543,
width: 250
List of additional parameters you can use with upload/2
Cloudinary URL generation
This package also provides an helper to generate urls from cloudinary given a public id of the image. As a second argument you can pass in options to transform your image according via cloudinary.
Current supported options are :
Cloudex.Url.for("a_public_id", %{width: 400, height: 300})
Cloudex.Url.for("a_public_id", %{crop: "fill", fetch_format: 'auto', flags: 'progressive', width: 300, height: 254, quality: "jpegmini", sign_url: true})
You can add multiple effects using Cloudex.Url.for/2, an example would be adding an overlay to your image, using:
Cloudex.Url.for("a_public_id", [
%{border: "5px_solid_rgb:c22c33", radius: 5, crop: "fill", height: 246, width: 470, quality: 80},
%{overlay: "my_overlay", crop: "scale", gravity: "south_east", width: 128 ,x: 5, y: 15}
Deleting images
You can request deletion from cloudinary using Cloudex.delete/1
function where the first argument should be the public id of the image you want to delete.
iex> Cloudex.delete("public-id-1")
{:ok, %Cloudex.DeletedImage{public_id: "public-id-1"}}
iex> Cloudex.delete(["public-id-1", "public-id-2"])
{:ok, %Cloudex.DeletedImage{public_id: "public-id-1"}},
{:ok, %Cloudex.DeletedImage{public_id: "public-id-2"}}
Phoenix helper
If you are using phoenix, you can create a small helper called for example cl_image_tag Create a file containing the following :
defmodule MyApp.CloudexImageHelper do
import Phoenix.HTML.Tag
def cl_image_tag(public_id, options \\ []) do
transformation_options = %{}
if Keyword.has_key?(options, :transforms) do
transformation_options = Map.merge(%{}, options[:transforms])
image_tag_options = Keyword.delete(options, :transforms)
defaults = [
src: Cloudex.Url.for(public_id, transformation_options),
width: picture.width,
height: picture.height,
alt: "image with name #{public_id}"
attributes = Keyword.merge(defaults, image_tag_options)
tag(:img, attributes)
Then in your web.ex
add the following line in the def view
import MyApp.CloudexImageHelper
You should now be able to use the helper in your views as follows :
cl_image_tag(public_id, class: "thumbnail", transforms: %{opacity: "50", quality: "jpegmini", sign_url: true})
Documentation can be found at docs/index.html or online
The Cloudex Elixir library is released under the DWTFYW license. See the LICENSE file.