Steffen Dienst
Steffen Dienst
I will have a look as soon as I can find the time. Thanks for suggesting these.
What about a special property key that can be used to reference the label when calling `EPGMVertex.getProperty(key)`? This would allow user code to handle user defined properties and the mandatory...
By the way, `org.gradoop.flink.algorithms.labelpropagation.LabelPropagation.LabelPropagation(int, String)` is another example of confusion regarding the special handling of labels vs. properties.
Those changes are the result of the grunt build. The only manual change was one line in the source file (replaced extend with concat). Am 23.02.2015 16:36 schrieb "Tom Neyland"...
There is a pull request for this error at #34, not merged yet, though. @TomNeyland Were you able to review this request?
Ok, this turns out to be more complicated than I initially thought: heroicons now have different paths for the solid/outline icons, but their filenames are identical. So regenerating heroicons means...