TiDAKeyboardControl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TiDAKeyboardControl copied to clipboard

TiDAKeyboardControl offers some advanced behaviour for the keyboard in Titanium SDK, kudos to @danielamitay (iOS)


Built for Titanium SDK Available through gitTio

Do you want to create a perfect clone of the iMessage compose interface? Fear no more! You can now respond to keyboard events (show, hide, and realtime interactive changes) and customize how much space will be used as an offset during interactive panning.

Titanium SDK wrapper for the awesome DAKeyboardControl from @danielamitay! (iOS only)


You can install this module using gitTio with

gittio install it.smc.dakeyboardcontrol

Alternatively you can download a specific release for manual installation.


You can run the example running the following command

gittio demo it.smc.dakeyboardcontrol

The source for this demo application can be found in the example folder.

Usage overview

var textarea = Ti.UI.createTextArea({
	right: 0,
	bottom: 0,
	left: 0,
	scrollable: false,
	suppressReturn: false,
	height: Ti.UI.SIZE,

var window = Ti.UI.createWindow({
	// How much space must be took on top of the keyboard
	keyboardTriggerOffset: 0,
	// This activates the panning feature
	keyboardPanning: true,
	// Automatically add the textarea as a locked view
	lockedViews: [ textarea ]

window.addEventListener('close', function (event) {
	// Very important! Releases what needs to be released
	event.source.keyboardPanning = false;


// The window is now the host for keyboard events
window.addEventListener('keyboardchange', function (event) {
	Ti.API.error("Notification of keyboard change: y=" + event.y + " height="+event.height);

// Multiline text-area
textarea.addEventListener('postlayout', function (event) {
	window.keyboardTriggerOffset = event.source.rect.height;



Kudos to @danielamitay for the development of DAKeyboardControl.

Humbly made by the spry ladies and gents at SMC.


This library, TiDAKeyboardControl, is free software ("Licensed Software"); you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; including but not limited to, the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA