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Make any .NET object a fluent interface regardless if you have the source code or not!


Make any .NET object a fluent interface regardless if you have the source code or not!


PM> Install-Package Chainly

Reflection.Emit method


Given a class Asdf we define an interface IAsdfChain. We then run the Chain extension on the Asdf instance and voila! Fluent interface! :)

var myString = new Asdf("This is my string!")
				.ParameterMethod("A", 123)
				.Value() // Call .Value() to get the unchained Asdf instance
// myString == "This is my string!"

public class Asdf
	private readonly string _myString;

	public int SomeMethodCount { get; set; }
	public int ParameterMethodWithTwoParametersCount { get; set; }

	public Asdf(string myString)
		_myString = myString;

	public void SomeMethod()

	public void ParameterMethod(string value, int otherValue)

	public string GetMyString()
		return _myString;

// Only methods defined in this interface will be made fluent. Other methods will be left alone.
public interface IAsdfChain
	IAsdfChain SomeMethod();
	IAsdfChain ParameterMethod(string value, int value2);
	// Value is a special method, returning the original unchained object.
	Asdf Value();

Of course it also works with built in classes!

var buffer = new char[2];
var asdfUpper = "asdf".Chain<IChainString>().CopyTo(0, buffer, 0, 2).Value().ToUpper();
// buffer == ['a', 's']
// asdfUpper = ASDF

var elapsed = StopWatch.StartNew().Chain<IStopWatchChain>().Stop().Value().Elapsed;

public interface IChainString
	IChainString CopyTo(int sourceIndex, char[] destination, int destinationIndex, int count);
	string Value();

public interface IStopWatchChain
	IStopWatchChain Stop();
	Stopwatch Value();

What are the steps to make an object fluent?

  • Create an interface. You can call it anything you'd like but it must be public.
  • Add each void method you want to make fluent to the interface and use the interface as return type (not all void methods are required, only the ones you wish to make fluent).
  • Add a Value method with the object type as return value.
  • Run Chain<{interfacename}> on the object to make it fluent.


public interface IMyInterface
	IMyInterface SomeVoidMethod(string param1, int param2);
	object Value();

objectWithSomeVoidMethod = objectWithSomeVoidMethod
							.SomeVoidMethod("A", 1)
							.SomeVoidMethod("B", 2)

Action based method


The action based method allows chaining for any type without the need for an interface.


var model = new Asdf("a");

var myString = model.Chain()
	.Do(m => m.ParameterMethod("b"))
	.Do(m => m.ParameterMethod("c"))
	.Do(m => m.ParameterMethod("d", 1))

Overloaded Operator Example

It's also possible to use + instead of .Do().

var model = new Asdf("a");

var myString = (model.Chain()
				+ (m => m.ParameterMethod("b"))
				+ (m => m.ParameterMethod("c"))
				+ (m => m.ParameterMethod("d", 1)))

Project structure

Chainly.Dotnet.sln - .NET core project supporting multiple frameworks Chainly.net452.sln - Old .NET 4.5.2 solution kept for compatibility


This project is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.