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Comments, errata, suggestions, and issues for the book "Text Data Analysis and Management: A Practical Introduction to Text Mining and Information Retrieval"
This has been removed in Lucene 5, and apparently was "dead code". Also, if data is read from disk, it would be inserted in primary, to approximate LRU.
Several places an exclamation mark is used next to numbers, to draw attention to the number. However this makes it in-distinguishable from a factorial notation, and might be confusing. Examples...
On page 117, the query given is "data mining algorithms", and the two examples are listed as: p("data mining alg" .. even though there is clearly enough space on the...
In ths summary paragraph of Section 6.2, Probabilistic Retrieval Models, the sentence "Otherwise, it would give zero probability for unseen words in the document, **which not good** for scoring a...
In section 12.3.2, at page 90, third line of the equation: = argmax(y, x1, ..., xn) Shouldn't the first comma be replaced by a dot ? i.e. = argmax(y.x1, ...,...
This is the first issue. I've labeled it as a comment by selecting the "Labels" button on the right side of this text box. Issues are cool because you can...