Your saying it does not resume capturing? The reason the library stops and restarts is mostly because its easier to do this. There are buffers and assumptions that the library...
Also, removing that line of code will cause your stomp all over memory if the new area to capture is larger than the previous one since the buffers are pre... This is the main loop. As long as expected errors keep recurring, the library will restart itself automatically.
Okay so the library is working. The issue your pointing out is that while resizing a window, the library does not continuously capture the resizing as fast as it should...
When an expected error occurs the library will rebuild itself calling init, getting a new list of windows/monitors to capture. Just following the code from what I linked above. The...
I think you will need to debug a little more unfortunately as the library is supposed to rebuild itself when a resize event occurs(Not the best way it should be...
These are these are the areas where these events are handled AND So if its not resuming this will be easy to spot
Ok, so your saying when the thread aborts, is the callback to get windows called again? So im gonna layout what I think is the the callstack Is...
What I think we will find is that you have a buffer overrun somewhere that is overwriting the memory.
Another possibility is that the size of the image coming out of has changed in some release of ios. Maybe it not includes padding or something else? The get...