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SofortÜberweisung (Klarna)
For some orders with the payment method (SofortÜberweisung), no customer or order is created/displayed.
The invoice amount is debited from the customer's account and transferred correctly.
No order confirmation is sent to the customer.
Lg, Alex
Is this for guests or registered customers?
These must be guest orders because the customer is not created at all.
The money is debited from the customer but:
- no order
- no costumer
- no emails
Very annoying for me and the customer.
I just checked again. We also have guests where everything works. 🤔
We also recently had a “Paid” order where no money was debited from the customer and no transaction ID was transmitted.
I have now deactivated the payment method. Every second order is debited from the customer but not created.
Klarna has discontinued "Sofortüberweisung" as an independent payment method (interface Payments via Smartstore.Sofortueberweisung are therefore no longer possible.