Forgot to add, I've attempted some development [here](, however it's really just a python lib imported into Nim which is not ideal.
While AC rewrite plans to integrate venmic, next stable release will feature the built-in Chromium pulseaudio screensharing. Here are the steps to try it: 1. download the latest devbuild
Try running ArmCord with `--webrtc-max-cpu-consumption-percentage=100` flag
~~There's testing going in our support server, join it and check announcements channel~~ 2024 Update: that patch broke with Discord updates seeking new alternatives
I think this fixed with one of Electron updates
`discord version for arm64 on Ubuntu ` impossible due to lack of native modules which are closed sourced and not compiled for Arm64 Ubuntu `old design ` Not sure what...
What keyboard layout do you use?
ArmCord is already officially signed for Windows and available on the [Microsoft Store]( If you would like to contribute towards covering the cost of an Apple Developer License, you can...