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TypeError: string indices must be integers

Open shivanshugour45 opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

I am trying to run test_lottery.py file but keep getting testcase failed due to type error.

    def test_get_entrance_fee():
        account = accounts[0]
        lottery = Lottery.deploy(
            {"from": account},

below is the config.yaml file code

  - smartcontractkit/[email protected]
      - '@chainlink=smartcontractkit/[email protected]'
    version: 0.6.6

Trying to run test using following command: - brownie test --network mainnet-fork

Keep getting following output: -

Brownie v1.16.4 - Python development framework for Ethereum

Compiling contracts...
  Solc version: 0.6.6
  Optimizer: Enabled  Runs: 200
  EVM Version: Istanbul
Generating build data...
 - smartcontractkit/[email protected]/AggregatorV3Interface
 - Lottery

========================================================================== test session starts ===========================================================================
platform win32 -- Python 3.10.1, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: C:\Users\ASUS\demos\smartcontract-lottery
plugins: eth-brownie-1.16.4, hypothesis-6.21.6, forked-1.3.0, xdist-1.34.0, web3-5.23.1
collected 1 item

Launching 'ganache-cli.cmd --accounts 10 --fork https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/vLxA0j3T4X8CSsbcj2iVQkisZqDUQS17 --mnemonic brownie --port 8545 --hardfork istanbul'...

tests\test_lottery.py F                                                                                                                                             [100%]

================================================================================ FAILURES ================================================================================ 
_________________________________________________________________________ test_get_entrance_fee __________________________________________________________________________ 

    def test_get_entrance_fee():
        account = accounts[0]
        lottery = Lottery.deploy(
>           config["networks"][network.show_active()]["eth_usd_price_feed"],
            {"from": account},
E       TypeError: string indices must be integers

tests\test_lottery.py:10: TypeError
======================================================================== short test summary info ========================================================================= 
FAILED tests/test_lottery.py::test_get_entrance_fee - TypeError: string indices must be integers
=========================================================================== 1 failed in 9.94s ============================================================================ 
Terminating local RPC client...

Unable to find the reason for the error.

shivanshugour45 avatar Jan 02 '22 10:01 shivanshugour45

Hello @Rda-sg Try replacing this line: eth_usd_price_feed='0x5f4eC3Df9cbd43714FE2740f5E3616155c5b8419' you should not use = use : instead, also if you are going to test on a local environment (ganache) you should also add the eth_price_feed to the development network.

cromewar avatar Jan 03 '22 02:01 cromewar

Curious if this worked and also any guidance on how to add eth_price_feed to the dev network Thx

verystochastic avatar Jun 01 '22 13:06 verystochastic