@dvdciri I tried your library and noticed that if the recycler view starts empty and then later I update the list and call notifyDataSetChanged i can't multiple select any items...
@dvdciri I will try to fix the issue on your library then
@dvdciri Okay hurry up then 👍
@dvdciri Nice i also managed to fix the issue my self let me check your fix to see if i did the same approach
@pasqualinigustavo Care to give the full code of your adapter?
@douglasjunior This issue seems to happen when we are using the spinner inside a fragment, in my case i am using the spinner inside a DialogFragment populated with a list....
Can confirm the latest version having this problem
It seems that only encoding the video works without issue, but i really would like to avoid recording two separated files and merging them since that seems to be prone...
Interesting indeed! I also noticed that some Huawei devices don't even have the need apis for screen recording and crash for lacking the api calls. But how did you found...