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3D DEM (digital elevation model) in orbital view of Brumadinho Dam Collapse
Interactive 3D DEM (digital elevation model) in orbital view of the Brumadinho Dam Collapse happened at 2019-01-25.
See and browse it at:
(Click R to stop orbiting and use all mouse buttons)
Made in QGIS using:
-Qgis2threejs plugin for 3D digital elevation model processing -;
-Image: Courtesy of AIRBUS Defense and Space and ENGESAT Imagens de Satélites
-SRTM: Courtesy NASA/USGS (NASA EOSDIS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), USGS/Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota) at
-Map data (points and lines) © OpenStreetMap Contributors.
This derived work made by me (OSMuser: is free to copy and share under CC-BY-SA.
// Este material é liberado para qualquer uso, por este autor, sob licença CC-BY-SA Creative Commons, isto é: para copiar, compartilhar, alterar em novos trabalhos derivados, desde que citada a fonte e garantido livre compartilhamento sob as mesmas condições.