Volley-demo copied to clipboard
An demonstration of Volley - HTTP library announced by google in I/O 2013. Illustrates, JSONRequest,StringRequest, Image caching.
Hey there! I've been trying to adapt your code to my own project, but I'm stucked with this problem. (JSONObjectResponseActivity.java) `jsonObjRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, builder.toString(), null, new Response.Listener() { @Override...
Hi: Could you please give me an sample about How to use MultiPartRequest?
MultiPartRequest can't upload file, I think the bug is in SslHttpStack, setMultiPartBody(postRequest,request); //setEntity setEntityIfNonEmptyBody(postRequest, request); //setEntity you have set httpRequest.setEntity(entity) twice, so the MuliPartBody entity is override by getBody entity.
I am using multipart implementation of yours but I am getting TimeoutError a lot. Actually, I don't know the difference but, there are TimeoutError and TimeoutException. I am setting timeout...