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Class PDFDocEncoding does not extend AbstractEncoding

Open SaschaScholly opened this issue 4 months ago • 2 comments

Class PDFDocEncoding does not extend AbstractEncoding and therefore method getTranslations is missing.

For some Files that leads to an Fatal Error.

SaschaScholly avatar Apr 05 '24 14:04 SaschaScholly

Thanks for the report, I will look into that soon-ish (hopefully until end of next week).

k00ni avatar Apr 08 '24 13:04 k00ni

Class PDFDocEncoding has no getTranslations() function (it would be empty) so I think there would still be an error. PDFDocEncoding shouldn't be used anywhere in a getTranslations fashion afaik. Can you provide a sample PDF where this error occurs?

A getTranslations() function can probably be added if necessary.

GreyWyvern avatar Apr 09 '24 19:04 GreyWyvern