pdfparser copied to clipboard
Exception not handling on "Allowed memory size exhausted"
I have the following exception :
Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 167772160 bytes)
at vendor/smalot/pdfparser/src/Smalot/PdfParser/Font.php:221
217▕ $char_to = hexdec($matches['to'][$key]);
218▕ $offset = hexdec($matches['offset'][$key]);
220▕ for ($char = $char_from; $char <= $char_to; ++$char) {
➜ 221▕ $this->table[$char] = self::uchr($char - $char_from + $offset);
222▕ }
223▕ }
225▕ // Support for : <srcCode1> <srcCodeN> [<dstString1> <dstString2> ... <dstStringN>]
I tried to handle it by a try / catch, but it's not working:
try {
echo 'A';
$pdf = $pdfParser->parseFile($pathname.'.pdf');
catch (\Whoops\Exception\ErrorException $e) {
echo ' - Error in $pdf->parseFile() : '.$e->getMessage().' - ';
return $new_document;
catch (\Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError $e) {
echo ' - Error in $pdf->parseFile() : '.$e->getMessage().' - ';
return $new_document;
catch (\Exception $e) {
echo ' - Error in $pdf->parseFile() : '.$e->getMessage().' - ';
return $new_document;
echo 'B';
The error is in parseFile()
because the "A" is echoing, but not the "B".
Do you know why the exception is not handling?
Maybe it can be a solution to add a try / catch around the self::uchr
Thanks for your help and advice :-)
(If it could help, the parsed PDF is here : https://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/dyn/opendata/PIONANR5L15TAP0528.pdf)