bootstrap-datetimepicker copied to clipboard
Unparsable Date should default to today's date, not Dec. 31 1899
Should update boostrap-datetimepicker.js parseDate().
Currently the date is set to:
date = new Date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), // which is Dec. 31, 1899
change to:
date = new Date(), // which is today's date
This should resolve a bunch of current reported 1899 Year issues:
I agree with this. My app allows the user to switch field types on a table filter. We've seen an issue where we saw the 1899 when a stale date M dd, yyyy
was present when the user loaded date time format M dd, yyyy HH:ii p
Had to call reset as a fix, but it would have nice to have this.
Or an else statement to if (parts.length === {
that falls back on a new date object
It would be nice if it was possible to pass the default reset date as an option for unparsable dates