also having issues with 'auto unlock' showing up in settings. Airdrop and Weblinks work fine, 2012 MBP 17" with newer card, but ive tried a couple times now with phone,...
Beta 3 didnt help. Did repair my iphone too, but nothing. I didnt get Handoff until I pasted my old copy of CloudPairD from Yosemite. Now handoff works, airdrop works,...
So the question then is this a hardware limitation or software? I dont think the apple watch was AC wifi on it, does it? so it should just be a...
wow, I would actually consider this just to unlock my 'desktop' work 2012 MBP.
well glad you said something :D
Thanks guys, just prevented me from picking up a TB16 on ebay for use with my MBP TB3. I need TB3 video out to my apple display and displayport for...