wimbuilder2 copied to clipboard
I down load your winbilder2, but i can't find the .exe file to start? please tell me how to use this friendly app.
wimbuilder2 is a open source builder which is made by scripts. It don't need be complied to .exe.
Click the wimbuilder.cmd
to start.
Thanks slorelee, I will give it a try and learn form it slowly.
When I run wimbuilder.cmd I get nothing but errors then it asked for a program for it to run with so I chose Visual Studio Community and ever since then it opens in Visual Studio Community showing WimBuilder.hta lines of code. It says findstr and another one not recognized.
Normally, it will start with mshta.exe.
C:\Users\Slore>ftype htafile
htafile=C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshta.exe "%1" {1E460BD7-F1C3-4B2E-88BF-4E770A288AF5}%U{1E460BD7-F1C3-4B2E-88BF-4E770A288AF5} %*
It seems your Visual Studio associated with this file type.
Follow next change, force open the WimBuilder.hta with mstha.exe.
91: if not "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" goto :Normal_Start
92: if exist "%windir%\SysWOW64\mshta.exe" goto :Normal_Start <----- add "rem " to comment this line
93: start %APP_START_OPT% mshta "%~dp0assets\%APP_NAME%.hta" %*
94: goto :EOF
After a few tries it finally showed the GUI but it still showed the errors "'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'cscript.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. [INFO] The "AppData" folder is missing, create one with the template(AppData.tmpl)."