Chris Becker
Chris Becker
I tried the code you posted: ``` #Requires -Version 5.1 using module @{ ModuleName = 'PSFalcon'; ModuleVersion = '2.2' } $OutputDir = Join-Path (Get-Location).Path Output $Installer = Get-FalconInstaller -Detailed -Limit...
Strange. I run ``` Uninstall-Module -Name PSFalcon -AllVersions Install-Module -Name PSFalcon -Scope CurrentUser ``` And then run `Get-FalconInstaller -Detailed -Limit 1 -Filter "platform:'windows'" | Receive-FalconInstaller` And it works (correctly downloads...
It is seems that this might be a timeout issue during download on 1 machine. I ran it on two other machines with faster connections and both worked repeatedly. I...