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QPsolve failure case
The following input to qpsolve:
Dmat: [13,18,-6] [18,27,-9] [-6,-9,4] dvec: [-4,0,-100] Amat: [0] [0] [-1] bvec: [-25]
produces the solution vector:
[21:56:14.131] x:-3.999999999999967 y:-30.666666666666707 z:-100.00000000000006
which is incorrect as best I can ascertain. The problem above was arrived at by summing the energy
(2x + 3y - z)^2 + (x-4)^2 + (z-100)^2
with the additional constraint that
z <= 25
From that description it is clear that the answer should be x=4, z=25, and y set appropriately to zero out the first energy term
I see that quadprog has been updated.
Using the original quadprog
package in R,
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> require(quadprog)
Loading required package: quadprog
> Dmat <- matrix(c(13,18,-6, 18,27,-9, -6,-9,4),3,3)
> dvec <- c(-4,0,-100)
> Amat <- matrix(c(0,0,-1),3,1)
> bvec <- c(-25)
> solve.QP(Dmat,dvec,Amat,bvec=bvec,meq=1)
[1] -4 11 25
[1] 2804.5
[1] -4.00000 -30.66667 -100.00000
[1] 2 0
[1] 125
[1] 1
> Dmat
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 13 18 -6
[2,] 18 27 -9
[3,] -6 -9 4
> dvec
[1] -4 0 -100
> Amat
[1,] 0
[2,] 0
[3,] -1
> bvec
[1] -25
With quadprog js
var dmat = [], dvec = [], amat = [], bvec = [], meq;
dmat[1] = [];
dmat[2] = [];
dmat[3] = [];
dmat[1][1] = 13;
dmat[2][1] = 18;
dmat[3][1] = -6;
dmat[1][2] = 18;
dmat[2][2] = 27;
dmat[3][2] = -9;
dmat[1][3] = -6;
dmat[2][3] = -9;
dmat[3][3] = 4;
dvec[1] = -4;
dvec[2] = 0;
dvec[3] = -100;
amat[1] = [];
amat[2] = [];
amat[3] = [];
amat[1][1] = 0;
amat[2][1] = 0;
amat[3][1] = -1;
bvec[1] = -25;
meq = 1;
qp.solveQP(dmat, dvec, amat, bvec, meq);
{ solution: [ , -4.000000000000016, 11.000000000000007, 25 ],
Lagrangian: [ , 125 ],
value: [ , 2804.500000000001 ],
unconstrained_solution: [ , -3.999999999999967, -30.666666666666707, -100.00000000000006 ],
iterations: [ , 2, 0 ],
iact: [ , 1 ],
message: '' }
The response seems quite similar apart numerical rounding.
Feel free to open an issue in project if you found cases where the figures between R package and js porting are different.