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Replicating from PostgreSQL based on a `timestampz` column fails with SQL syntax error
Issue Description
- Description of the issue:
I am replicating a PostgreSQL materialized view using an update_key
set to a column of type timestampz
. This worked fine on sling version 1.2.13
and is now failing on version 1.2.20. Below is the effective PostgreSQL schema for the materialized view that is my source stream:
Materialized view "public.bcdata_vend_items"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | text |
store_key | text |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone |
item_no | character varying(100) |
description | character varying(200) |
oh_qty | integer |
oh_cost | numeric |
oh_retail | numeric |
season | character varying(200) |
department | character varying(200) |
subdepartment | character varying(200) |
category | character varying(200) |
subcategory | character varying(200) |
size | character varying(50) |
brand | character varying(200) |
grade | character varying(200) |
vend_date | timestamp with time zone |
vend_no | text |
vend_customer_id | integer |
vend_employee_code | text |
vend_qty | bigint |
vend_cost | numeric |
vend_retail | numeric |
shop_date | timestamp without time zone |
days_on_hand | integer |
invoice_no | text |
shop_customer_id | integer |
shop_employee_id | integer |
shop_quantity | bigint |
shop_cost | numeric |
shop_retail_marked | numeric |
markdown_percent | numeric |
shop_retail_final | numeric |
discount_percent | numeric |
"bcdata_vend_items_id_idx" UNIQUE, btree (id)
"bcdata_vend_items_id_updated_at_idx" btree (id, updated_at)
"bcdata_vend_items_updated_at_idx" btree (updated_at)
- Sling version (
sling --version
$ docker run --rm -i slingdata/sling:v1.2.20 --version
Version: 1.2.20
- Operating System (
Official docker container running slingdata/sling:v1.2.20 on Ubuntu 22.04
- Replication Configuration:
mode: backfill
range: 2010-01-01,2024-10-04
primary_key: [id]
update_key: updated_at
object: bcdata_test.vend_items
table_tmp: bcdata_test.vend_items_tmp_duc-basecampedge-s151
- Log Output (please run command with
$ docker run --rm -i --net=host -v /basecamp/bcdata/sling:/sling -e SLING_HOME_DIR=/sling slingdata/sling:v1.2.20 run -d -r /sling/replication.yaml --streams "bcdata_vend_items"
2024-10-04 19:40:40 INF Sling Replication [1 streams] | BASELINE_PG -> BCDATA_BIGQUERY
2024-10-04 19:40:40 INF [1 / 1] running stream bcdata_vend_items
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG Sling version: 1.2.20 (linux amd64)
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG type is db-db
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG using: {"columns":null,"mode":"backfill","transforms":null}
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":false,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":9,"range":"2010-01-01,2024-10-04"}
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000-07","file_max_rows":0,"max_decimals":9,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"adjust_column_type":false,"column_casing":"source","table_tmp":"bcdata_test.vend_items_tmp_duc-basecampedge-s151"}
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG opened "postgres" connection (conn-postgres-0Uc)
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG opened "bigquery" connection (conn-bigquery-3ZZ)
2024-10-04 19:40:40 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-10-04 19:40:40 INF connecting to target database (bigquery)
2024-10-04 19:40:42 INF reading from source database
2024-10-04 19:40:42 DBG select * from "public"."bcdata_vend_items" where "updated_at" >= and "updated_at" <= order by "updated_at" asc
2024-10-04 19:40:42 INF execution failed
--- database.go:2341 func1 ---
--- database_postgres.go:108 BulkExportStream ---
~ Error running query
--- database.go:781 StreamRows ---
~ SQL Error for:
select * from "public"."bcdata_vend_items" where "updated_at" >= and "updated_at" <= order by "updated_at" asc
--- database.go:827 StreamRowsContext ---
pq: syntax error at or near "and"
context canceled
2024-10-04 19:40:42 INF Sling Replication Completed in 2s | BASELINE_PG -> BCDATA_BIGQUERY | 0 Successes | 1 Failures
--- proc.go:271 main ---
--- sling_cli.go:458 main ---
--- sling_cli.go:494 cliInit ---
--- cli.go:286 CliProcess ---
~ failure running replication (see docs @
--- sling_run.go:202 processRun ---
--------------------------- bcdata_vend_items ---------------------------
--- task_run.go:99 func1 ---
~ Could not ReadFromDB
--- task_run.go:525 runDbToDb ---
~ Could not BulkExportFlow
--- task_run_read.go:175 ReadFromDB ---
--- database.go:2360 BulkExportFlow ---
~ dataflow error while waiting for ready state
--- dataflow.go:635 WaitReady ---
--- database.go:2341 func1 ---
--- database_postgres.go:108 BulkExportStream ---
~ Error running query
--- database.go:781 StreamRows ---
~ SQL Error for:
select * from "public"."bcdata_vend_items" where "updated_at" >= and "updated_at" <= order by "updated_at" asc
--- database.go:827 StreamRowsContext ---
pq: syntax error at or near "and"