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Replicating from PostgreSQL based on a `timestampz` column fails with SQL syntax error

Open mastermel opened this issue 4 months ago • 1 comments

Issue Description

  • Description of the issue:

I am replicating a PostgreSQL materialized view using an update_key set to a column of type timestampz. This worked fine on sling version 1.2.13 and is now failing on version 1.2.20. Below is the effective PostgreSQL schema for the materialized view that is my source stream:

         Materialized view "public.bcdata_vend_items"
       Column       |            Type             | Modifiers
 id                 | text                        |
 store_key          | text                        |
 updated_at         | timestamp with time zone    |
 item_no            | character varying(100)      |
 description        | character varying(200)      |
 oh_qty             | integer                     |
 oh_cost            | numeric                     |
 oh_retail          | numeric                     |
 season             | character varying(200)      |
 department         | character varying(200)      |
 subdepartment      | character varying(200)      |
 category           | character varying(200)      |
 subcategory        | character varying(200)      |
 size               | character varying(50)       |
 brand              | character varying(200)      |
 grade              | character varying(200)      |
 vend_date          | timestamp with time zone    |
 vend_no            | text                        |
 vend_customer_id   | integer                     |
 vend_employee_code | text                        |
 vend_qty           | bigint                      |
 vend_cost          | numeric                     |
 vend_retail        | numeric                     |
 shop_date          | timestamp without time zone |
 days_on_hand       | integer                     |
 invoice_no         | text                        |
 shop_customer_id   | integer                     |
 shop_employee_id   | integer                     |
 shop_quantity      | bigint                      |
 shop_cost          | numeric                     |
 shop_retail_marked | numeric                     |
 markdown_percent   | numeric                     |
 shop_retail_final  | numeric                     |
 discount_percent   | numeric                     |
    "bcdata_vend_items_id_idx" UNIQUE, btree (id)
    "bcdata_vend_items_id_updated_at_idx" btree (id, updated_at)
    "bcdata_vend_items_updated_at_idx" btree (updated_at)

  • Sling version (sling --version):
$ docker run --rm -i slingdata/sling:v1.2.20 --version
Version: 1.2.20
  • Operating System (linux, mac, windows):

Official docker container running slingdata/sling:v1.2.20 on Ubuntu 22.04

  • Replication Configuration:

  mode: backfill
    range: 2010-01-01,2024-10-04

    primary_key: [id]
    update_key: updated_at
    object: bcdata_test.vend_items
      table_tmp: bcdata_test.vend_items_tmp_duc-basecampedge-s151

  • Log Output (please run command with -d):
$ docker run --rm -i --net=host -v /basecamp/bcdata/sling:/sling -e SLING_HOME_DIR=/sling slingdata/sling:v1.2.20 run -d -r /sling/replication.yaml --streams "bcdata_vend_items"

2024-10-04 19:40:40 INF Sling Replication [1 streams] | BASELINE_PG -> BCDATA_BIGQUERY

2024-10-04 19:40:40 INF [1 / 1] running stream bcdata_vend_items
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG Sling version: 1.2.20 (linux amd64)
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG type is db-db
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG using: {"columns":null,"mode":"backfill","transforms":null}
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG using source options: {"empty_as_null":false,"null_if":"NULL","datetime_format":"AUTO","max_decimals":9,"range":"2010-01-01,2024-10-04"}
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG using target options: {"datetime_format":"2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000-07","file_max_rows":0,"max_decimals":9,"use_bulk":true,"add_new_columns":true,"adjust_column_type":false,"column_casing":"source","table_tmp":"bcdata_test.vend_items_tmp_duc-basecampedge-s151"}
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG opened "postgres" connection (conn-postgres-0Uc)
2024-10-04 19:40:40 DBG opened "bigquery" connection (conn-bigquery-3ZZ)
2024-10-04 19:40:40 INF connecting to source database (postgres)
2024-10-04 19:40:40 INF connecting to target database (bigquery)
2024-10-04 19:40:42 INF reading from source database
2024-10-04 19:40:42 DBG select * from "public"."bcdata_vend_items" where "updated_at" >=  and "updated_at" <=  order by "updated_at" asc
2024-10-04 19:40:42 INF execution failed

--- database.go:2341 func1 ---
--- database_postgres.go:108 BulkExportStream ---
~ Error running query
--- database.go:781 StreamRows ---
~ SQL Error for:
select * from "public"."bcdata_vend_items" where "updated_at" >=  and "updated_at" <=  order by "updated_at" asc
--- database.go:827 StreamRowsContext ---
pq: syntax error at or near "and"

context canceled

2024-10-04 19:40:42 INF Sling Replication Completed in 2s | BASELINE_PG -> BCDATA_BIGQUERY | 0 Successes | 1 Failures

--- proc.go:271 main ---
--- sling_cli.go:458 main ---
--- sling_cli.go:494 cliInit ---
--- cli.go:286 CliProcess ---
~ failure running replication (see docs @
--- sling_run.go:202 processRun ---

--------------------------- bcdata_vend_items ---------------------------
--- task_run.go:99 func1 ---
~ Could not ReadFromDB
--- task_run.go:525 runDbToDb ---
~ Could not BulkExportFlow
--- task_run_read.go:175 ReadFromDB ---
--- database.go:2360 BulkExportFlow ---
~ dataflow error while waiting for ready state
--- dataflow.go:635 WaitReady ---

--- database.go:2341 func1 ---
--- database_postgres.go:108 BulkExportStream ---
~ Error running query
--- database.go:781 StreamRows ---
~ SQL Error for:
select * from "public"."bcdata_vend_items" where "updated_at" >=  and "updated_at" <=  order by "updated_at" asc
--- database.go:827 StreamRowsContext ---
pq: syntax error at or near "and"

mastermel avatar Oct 04 '24 19:10 mastermel