Twig-View copied to clipboard
Slim Framework view helper built on top of the Twig templating component
I am using Twig without a container. The Readme shows examples of rendering a template from `index.php` where `Twig::fromRequest($request)` is called. However, doing this inside a middleware throws this error:...
When using is_current_url() and a slimphp basepath is set, it won't return true when visiting that route. Removing the basepath fixes it.
Would it make sense to implement two twig functions than can be used to build a url given a path instead of a route name? See also
Updates the requirements on [phpspec/prophecy-phpunit]( to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from phpspec/prophecy-phpunit's releases. 2.1.0 Add support for PHPUnit 10.1+ (10.0 is not supported) Bump requirement to Prophecy...
I am using the official slim4-skeleton. If I add Twig to my installation by following the steps in the documentation ``` $container->set('view', function() { return Twig::create('path/to/templates', ['cache' => 'path/to/cache']); });...
Use late static bindings in factory methods to facilitate constructing derived classes. Retained the return types for PHP
Updates the requirements on [phpstan/phpstan]( to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from phpstan/phpstan's releases. 1.11.5 Bleeding edge 🔪 Check array functions which require stringish values (#3132), #11141, #5848,...
Updates the requirements on [symfony/polyfill-php81]( to permit the latest version. Commits 3fb0757 Fix CS 1d0f60d Revert "minor #477 Auto-close PRs on subtree-splits (kbond)" c797154 Auto-close PRs on subtree-splits See full...
Updates the requirements on [slim/slim]( to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from slim/slim's releases. 4.14.0 What's Changed Do not HTML entity encode in PlainTextErrorRenderer by @akrabat in slimphp/Slim#3319...
Updates the requirements on [psr/http-factory]( to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from psr/http-factory's releases. 1.1.0 Includes php-fig/http-factory#17, which is the implementation of this errata: php-fig/fig-standards#1321 Bumps the requirement...