wp-theatre copied to clipboard
surpessing <br /> in templates
I want to inject an event listing to include "September 30, 2018 at 2:30 PM" on one line
but the shortcode processing surrounds " at " with BR tags.
How do i supress this?
Current code in the page:
[wpt_events]{{thumbnail|permalink}} {{title|permalink}} <p>{{startdate}} at {{starttime}}</p>[/wpt_events]
This may be because of the <p>
tags inside the shortcode. Can you replace them with <div>
Thanks for the attention :)
Like so:
[wpt_events]{{thumbnail|permalink}} {{title|permalink}} <div>{{startdate}} it {{starttime}}</div>[/wpt_events]
("at" replaced with "it" to prove my change was stored.)
Produces identical results. partial screen capture showing the code and rendered bit is attached