jekyll-slim copied to clipboard
support for jekyll 3 ?
Unable to activate jekyll-slim-0.10.0, because jekyll-3.0.0 conflicts with jekyll (~> 2.0)
any plans to support jekyll 3 ?
It has been noted by the current author (in both the Readme and other issues), that this gem is unmaintained.
If you're not going to make the fix, or at the very least, provide some kind of input on what the issue might be, it's not going to get fixed.
This works
@c0ze @yazinsai @cuducos @ckreon
check this updates:
It should work with slim files, slim layouts and parse liquid tags.
If someone is so kind to provide me sample files for test, it'll be great
@dmitryzuev Thank you for the update !
I'm trying to slim some includes for my blog. But somehow they get embedded as slim (not htmlified)
It should work with slim files, slim layouts and parse liquid tags.
PS: oops sorry, was it meant to work with includes ?
@dmitryzuev many thanks you for the update, but unfortunately my attempt here failed as well. It's on a separate branch if anybody cares about it
@cuducos @c0ze found bugs, will try to fix at weekend
@dmitryzuev many thanks. I'm a n00b in Ruby, but let me know if I can help by any means, ok?
Is that any chance of this plugin work on gh-pages? I'd love to use it.
is this still open?
I am using slim for a static site with Jekyll 3.4. We can definitely make a release for this.
I'm preparing a release for this gem. Is there an issue with the layouts ? That the last thing that still broken
I'm using jekyll 3.5.1 and github-pages and this gem and it is working fine...
my bad, it only worked with
please let the current maintainers know if you are willing to be a maintainer at #6
Hi guys, any update on this?
@dmitryzuev @brauliobo @olery
I've spend some time the last few days going through a bunch of different versions/forks of jekyll-slim. Maybe using slim in jekyll is not very popular, but I hate HTML, actually anything with closing tags and have been using slim for years in Rails.
Versions that attempts to use slim's experimental liquid tag don't seem to work. I think /slim-template/sliq has some flaws and is also not maintained.
The version I got to work as a basic slim template is @dmitryzuev
It does not use sliq but basic liquid tags. What I couldn't get it to do at first was to included a .slim include file. I kept going back and trying different things. I was semi-happy that I could use just a slim markup page, but the include thing still bugged me.
I noticed that if I tried to take a jekyll html include file and convert it to slim with html2slim, I'd get something like:
<div class="button-group nav-bar">
{% for item in %}
<a class="button maroon" href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a>
{% endfor %}
<div class="clearfix"></div>
converts to
| {% for item in %}
a.button.maroon href=("{{ item.url }}"} {{ })
| {% endfor %}
This didn't work or convert very well (look at the href in parens). I tried to clean it up, but took out the | tag and it didn't work with just liquid tags. Today somewhere going through the different forks I saw a include using the | tag and added them and now seem to have includes working!
| {% for item in %}
a.button.maroon href="{{ item.url }}" {{ }}
| {% endfor %}
The @dmitryzuev version is by far the simplest version. All the forks I tried didn't change the markup so there was no real user documentation. Another version that appears to be the same is
I have not tried to do anything real complicated and don't know if it works on github pages.
Wish someone would replace the unmaintained version.
I am looking at this now.