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A Wordpess starter theme based on Bones and Bootstrap 3
Brew 0.9
A Wordpress starter theme based on Bones and Bootstrap 3
Created by Dan Brown:
I searched, but I couldn't find a Wordpress starter theme that was based on Bootstrap 3 that I liked. BREW is just pulling together excellent projects such as bootstrap, wordpress, bones, etc into a simple starter theme. This is very lightweight with only some very mild CSS changes to make everything look nice out of the box. My goal is to provide a solid foundation for anyone wanting to develop a wordpress theme with bootstrap.
header screnshot:
footer screenshot:
- Bootstrap 3
- Bones
- sidebar and footer widgets
- Very clean out-of-the-box experience
- pagination
- breadcrumbs
- Font Awesome
- Redux Options Framework
- Easy to add metaboxes
Updates since v.6:
- Updated to Bootstrap 3.1
- Added FitVid to make video embeds responsive
- Removed SASS for now (need to figure out how to keep it up to date)
- added author profile box
- updated default styles
- organized LESS files
- Added recommended CSS from wordpress for image alignment, text alignment, etc
- Updated FontAwesome to v.4
- Various Bug Fixes
- Bunch of other stuff I can't remember
To use:
- download zip and upload as wordpress theme.
- set your variables at /less/custom-variables.less
- add customize and add new LESS files in /less/brew
To do before v1.0:
- Combine JS files
- Look in to combining functions.php/brew.php/bones.php
- Finalize all included pages/php files. Not all have been updated.
- Set up Grunt
Providing credit where credit is due:
- Bootstrap 3
- Bones
- Bootstrap Nav Walker (bootstrap navigation)
- 320 Press
- Redux Framework (options framework)
- Eric Martin (pagination)
- mkoerner (breadcrumbs)
- Font Awesome
- Jeredatch (Custom metaboxes and fields)
- FitVid (Making video embeds responsive)