rusty-donut copied to clipboard
donut.c →
"Sonny, don't cut your teeth on the metal. 'Dem donuts are rusty."
— Old man Perkins, The Way Time Went
I came across donut.c
this morning, so I decided to reimplement it in Rust... with a few creative liberties. If you'd like to run it, clone this repo and:
$ cargo run --release --quiet
Here's the entire program:
use std::{ time,
thread}; fn main(){let(mut
a,mut b)=(1.0_f64,1.0_f64);loop{a+=
0.07; b+=0.03; let((g ,m),(p,r),mut q,mut
z,mut j)=(a.sin_cos(),b.sin_cos(),[' ';1760],
[0.0_f64;1760],0.0_f64);while j<=6.28{let(u,v)=
j.sin_cos();let mut i=0.0f64;while i<=6.28{let(w,c)
=i.sin_cos(); let h=v+ 2.0;let(d,t)=(1.0/(w*h
*g+u*m+5.0),w*h*m-u*g) ;let(x,y)=((40.0+30.0*
d * (c*h*r - t*p)) as usize,((12.0+15.0*d*(
c*h*p+t*r)))as usize ); let(o,n)=(x+80*y,
8.0*((u*g-w*v*m)*r-w *v*g-u*m-c*v*p)); if
y<22&&x<79&&d>z[o]{z[ o]=d;q[o]=("▁▂▂▃▄▄▅".
to_owned() + "▆▆▇██"). chars().nth(n as usize
). or ( Some( '▁' ) ). unwrap(); } i+=0.02} j
).join("\n")); thread::sleep(time::Duration::
from_millis(16));}}/* Based on donut.c */
/* by Andy Sloane. Translated to */
/* Rust by Isaac Clayton- */
/* @slightknack */