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Create OpenGL shapes and apply OpenGL transformations using finger gestures with GLES2.0
Create OpenGL shapes and apply transformations using finger gestures
Kotlin Library used for detecting finger gestures and applying there corresponding transformation to a 3x3 Matrix that is then converted in to a FloatArray that hold values for the 4x4 OpenGL matrix. That way you can apply the following transformations: scale, translation and rotation to the matrix and then use it to apply the transformations to OpenGL shapes.
Supported OpenGL shapes are:
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Image
- Line
- PassByCurve
- IrregularPolygon
- Rectangle
- RegularPolygon
- Triangle
Add to your project
Add the jitpack maven repository
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.slaviboy:OpenGL:v0.2.0'
How to use
Adding shapes is easy, the code below is example of creating a OpenGL rectangle. To learn more on how to implement your own OpenGL view and draw the shapes you can read the official wiki page here.
// gesture detector used for applying transformations to all OpenGL objects: line, images, triangles..
val mainGestureDetector: OpenGLMatrixGestureDetector = OpenGLMatrixGestureDetector()
// create program for shapes that use the same colors
val singleColorsProgram = OpenGLStatic.setSingleColorsProgram()
// create single rectangle
val rectangle = Rectangle(
x = 300f,
y = 200f,
width = 300f,
height = 150f,
color = Color.BLACK,
strokeWidth = 5f,
gestureDetector = mainGestureDetector,
preloadProgram = singleColorsProgram,
style = Shapes.STYLE_FILL