The idea is to provide two different plugins for play 2.4 and 2.5 as it is not possible to support both play versions at the same time
@adjohnson916 Thanks for looking in our PR! We rely on the library to inline references defined in Swagger library before converting it into a type-safe model. It's used here :...
@adjohnson916 unfortunately id does not. The problem is, that referenced files parsed as JSON instead of YAML. Could you please take a look? Thanks!
Placed version 0.2.1 into the calando's bintray until public stable version of the library is available.
@adjohnson916 do you have any plans to publish it in some of global repositories?
@adjohnson916 That's really great. I'd really love it to happen. Please keep me updated.
@adjohnson916 Thanks for putting it into the JCenter! It seems that to be usable, the parent needs to be available as well, here is the SBT log: ``` [warn] io...
@adjohnson916 thanks a lot for your support!
We do. Play can't deal with that in t's route files.