Slava Kurilyak
Slava Kurilyak
> Write some extra utils results (confussion matrix). I think creating an extra utility to understand the confusion matrix is a great idea to better understand performance of a classification...
@bukosabino Thanks for pointing this out! @treethought Is our infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) scalable enough to handle minute trading?
Good point. We can also perform trades every 1-min, 2-min, 5-min, 10-min, 30-min, 1-hour, 2-hour, 6-hour, and 12-hour, 24-hour, or as often as we need to. I'm assuming that more...
@bukosabino We can use other libraries to perform automated machine learning (#25). These include, but are not limited to: [auto-sklearn](, [scikit-optimize]( and/or [osprey](
Let's use **Total performance (%)** or **Total performance (net) (%)** to evaluate portfolio based on a time (last X minutes/days/weeks/months) (Inspiration: [Signals Network](
According to Marcos Lopez de Prado ([Advances in Financial Machine Learning, 2018](, strategy performance is best calculated as: 1. **Time-Weighted Rate of Return (TWRR)**: Total return is the rate of...
@bukosabino For additional inspiration, check out the following three Github topics: [automated-machine-learning](, [auto-ml](, [automl](
Consider using jhfjhfj1's [autokeras]( or automl's [SMAC3]( libraries as well
Google releases [AdaNet](, which incorporates AutoML with Tensorflow
Microsoft releases [nni](, an open source AutoML toolkit for neural architecture search and hyper-parameter tuning, with support for [Keras](, [Tensorflow](, [Pytorch](