ex_guard copied to clipboard
ExGuard is a mix command to handle events on file system modifications
ExGuard is a mix command to handle events on file system modifications, ExGuard heavily borrowed ideas/art works from Ruby Guard
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
:def deps do [{:ex_guard, "~> 1.5", only: :dev}] end
Create a file named
in your root application directory:use ExGuard.Config guard("unit-test", run_on_start: true) |> command("mix test --color") |> watch(~r{\.(erl|ex|exs|eex|xrl|yrl)\z}i) |> ignore(~r{deps}) |> notification(:auto)
Look at below sample file for more fine-grained config.
mix guard
as soon as you change any file with above pattern, the test gets executed
Currently supports notification with tools:
- Terminal Title (Xterm)
- TMux (Universal)
- Terminal Notifier (mac only)
- Notify Send (linux distros)
In order to ExGuard sends notification, you need to make sure these tools are setup properly.
If you are using ExGuard mainly for Elixir test you may turn the notification off and use ExUnit Notifier instead.
Why ExGuard and not mix-test.watch or eye_drops or XYZ
It's just a matter of taste!
With ExGuard you can run multiple commands and the config looks nice.
use ExGuard.Config
guard("elixir test", run_on_start: true)
|> command("mix test --color")
#only run related phoenix test when a file changes
|> watch({~r{lib/(?<lib_dir>.+_web)/(?<dir>.+)/(?<file>.+).ex$}i, fn m -> "test/#{m["lib_dir"]}/#{m["dir"]}/#{m["file"]}_test.exs" end})
# only if the above pattern doesn't match try to match all elixir/erlang source
|> watch(~r{\.(erl|ex|exs|eex|xrl|yrl)\z}i)
|> ignore(~r{deps})
|> notification(:off) #Disabled it and using ex_unit_notifier instead
guard("elm test", run_on_start: true)
|> command("elm-test assets/tests/")
|> watch(~r{\.(elm)\z}i)
|> ignore(~r{elm-stuff})
|> notification(:auto)