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Today I Learned


Today I Learned

A collection of concise write-ups on small things I learn day to day across a variety of languages and technologies.

Inspired by Josh Branchaud's til.


  • Elixir
    • ExUnit
    • Phoenix framework
  • Erlang
  • Git
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Postgres
  • Shell scripting


  • Distributed Erlang
  • Distributed Erlang sync nodes
  • Dynamic supervisor start children
  • Ecto stream to list
  • Ecto Repo's connection process
  • Ecto virtual field
  • Error handling in Elixir libraries
  • Exception message
  • External resource module attribute
  • Graceful shutdown
  • GenServer hibernate after start option
  • GenServer name registration using :via option
  • Install Elixir and Erlang with asdf version manager
  • Pattern match struct name
  • Postgrex copy from STDIN
  • Process links
  • Running Observer on a remote node deployed with Distillery
  • Read from the application's directory
  • Remove unused dependencies from mix.lock
  • Revert Hex package
  • Rollbar exception reporting for Phoenix
  • Running Ecto database migrations during deployment
  • Start an Elixir application's dependencies
  • Testing plugs
  • Travis CI Ecto migrations
  • Use Ecto's UTC datetime type
  • Use monotonic time for timing


  • ExUnit assert match
  • ExUnit capture log level
  • ExUnit ignore tests

Phoenix framework

  • Page specific titles


  • Erlang version


  • Getting started with Julia


  • Rebase root git commit
  • Set origin URL
  • Syncing a GitHub fork


  • systemd service configuration


  • Increase open file limit
  • macOS sleep and wake


  • Formatting timestamps
  • Gapless sequence in Postgres
  • Install TimescaleDB with Postgres.app
  • List tables in a Postgres schema
  • Recreate Postgres schema

Shell scripting

  • Exit codes